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Jamal is fussy when he is ready to cut some teeth, he rolls over, loves to look at lights and is kind of weird because he leans his head back so far when I carry him that he is looking upside down! What's up with that Jamal? He is a big smiler and has chuckled out loud quite a few times already. He is now trying to hold his own bottle already. He is noticing his feet and still cooing adorably. He loves music and lays quietly and listens when you sing to him. He likes Grammy to kiss loud squeaky kisses on his cheek just next to his ear, it quiets him down believe it or not! He holds his head up when on his tummy very good. He has a strong muscle development already! He already cries when Mommy and Daddy leave him with Grammy to babysit. He calms down soon after they leave but you can really tell he knows they are going somewhere without him. He hears our voices and cries until the one he wants to hold him takes him too. He is a smart little guy! He's definitely a KEEPER!!

He loves to play peek a boo with a blanky, smiles at himself in the mirror, and today, April 20, 2000 when he turned 9 months old, he took his first independent step but fell down and tried only once more. He is trying to cut 4 teeth at once right now and gets quite fussy when they are bothering him. He love to grab your face with both hands holding your cheeks and opens his mouth wide and plants a big slobbery kiss on your cheeks. He will do one and then the other one, as he concentrates real hard while he is turning your face to kiss the other cheek he has his tongue hanging out and he looks very focused. It is so cute! He still looks identical to his mommy, Marie and we started calling him Mini-Marie or as she calls him, Mini-Me (after the character in Austin Powers' second movie when he has a himself cloned and a little midget who looks just like him is born and he names him Mini-Me - the name of the movie is "The Spy Who Shagged Me." Really funny!

Jamal tells people off and shakes his finger, but no one knows what he is saying...you just say..."Jamal...you tell him!" and he gets going with the finger shaking and the raised volume and the crunched eyebrows. He can make some really funny faces with his expressions. He is very animated and loves music and dancing, cartoons, lights, telephones, animals....he is so much fun! He is so hilarious and loves to have his picture taken...he will pose for you. Jamal loves to flirt with girls too. I think he does it naturally. He is going to be some hunk when he grows up! You cannot have a drink without Jamal begging for it and then he won't give it back. He sucks it all down. He gets on his rocking horse that Aunt She gave him and goes so fast that it scares us to death that he is going to tip over, but he just laughs and gets so excited. But he is scared of stuffed animals! He is getting better about them, but he used to be terrified of them! He loves to go bye-bye in the car. He loves Chuckie Cheese! Katie loves Jamal so much, but she is the family member that adores him the most outside of us. She is so patient and loving with him. No one else can handle him! He is a stubborn little guy and can be a real task at times, but he is so cute you get over it real quick! He is so adorable!

Here are some fun photos of Jamal so you can see for yourself!

Check back later and see more of his developments as he grows!


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